PROOF Administrator

  • Commentary | Story

    Canada’s national food policy is at risk of enshrining a two-tiered food system

    The federal government’s approach to food insecurity so far has been funding the expansion of local food charity. Doing so is enshrining a two-tiered food system.

    June 6, 2023

  • Commentary | Story

    Food prescriptions – a short-sighted response to food insecurity

    Providers of food prescriptions in Canada have acknowledged that they are “at best, stopgap measures” & “not a solution to food insecurity”. Canada already has a long history of stopgap measures in food charity. Can we afford to entrench another?

    May 25, 2023

  • Announcement | Story

    New data on household food insecurity in 2022

    We’ve summarize the latest data on food insecurity in 2022 from Statistics Canada’s Canadian Income Survey. In 2022, 6.9 million Canadians, including almost 1.8 million children, lived in a food-insecure household.

    May 2, 2023

  • Resource | Story

    What the measures in the 2023 budgets mean for food insecurity

    Budget season has come to an end. The 2023-2024 federal, provincial, and territorial budgets come at a critical time where record inflation has put considerable financial strain on many Canadians.

    April 13, 2023

  • Story

    What’s behind the federal grocery rebate – Interview on the Shaye Ganam Show

    Dr. Tarasuk spoke with Shaye Ganam on the federal “grocery rebate”, why it is a positive step in policy thinking around addressing food insecurity, and the need to go further with more adequate, enduring income supports in Canada.

    April 11, 2023

  • Commentary | Story

    The 2023 Federal Budget has the right idea, but much more is needed to address food insecurity

    Food insecurity is a problem of income inadequacy. The 2023 federal budget’s “grocery rebate” has the right idea, but falls short.

    March 29, 2023

  • Research | Story

    A more generous Canada Child Benefit for low-income families would reduce their probability of food insecurity

    New PROOF research, led by Dr. Fei Men, found that the additional money provided to families with younger children through the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) lowers their risk of household food insecurity.

    March 9, 2023

  • Resource

    New CRDCN research-policy snapshots on household food insecurity

    Check out 2 new research-policy snapshots on the relationship between food insecurity and pain-driven emergency department visits, and on differences in food insecurity classification

    February 8, 2023

  • Commentary

    Reconsidering Food Prescription Programs in Relation to Household Food Insecurity

    In their commentary in The Journal of Nutrition, founding PROOF investigators raised important questions about food prescription programs and their relationship with food insecurity.

    February 6, 2023

  • Story

    The Big Story Podcast: Why food banks can’t solve the problem of hungry Canadians

    Dr. Valerie Tarasuk joined The Big Story Podcast to talk about the need for policy action to address the high and persistent rate of household food insecurity in Canada.

    January 26, 2023