Commentary | Story
Ontario Election 2025: Putting a plan for adequate social assistance on the table
If the next Ontario government wants to change the course of food insecurity in the province, the place to start would be OW and ODSP.
February 14, 2025
National school food program won’t solve food insecurity for families.
Here’s what can.While the 2024 budget included funding for a national school food program, it lacked any action on the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) – the policy best positioned to move the needle on food insecurity among families with children.
May 7, 2024
Commentary | Research | Resource | Story
Food insecurity in Canada is the worst it’s ever been — here’s how we can solve it
Drawing on data from StatCan’s Canadian Income Survey, our new report has found that the percentage of households with inadequate or insecure access to food due to financial constraints rose to 17.8% in 2022 from 15.9% in 2021.
November 19, 2023
Commentary | Story
Canada Child Benefit’s Seventh Year: Reflecting on its unrealized potential to reduce food insecurity
As Canada commemorates the seventh anniversary of the Canada Child Benefit (CCB), it is essential to reflect on the program’s design and its role in addressing household food insecurity among families with children.
July 21, 2023
Commentary | Story
Canada’s national food policy is at risk of enshrining a two-tiered food system
The federal government’s approach to food insecurity so far has been funding the expansion of local food charity. Doing so is enshrining a two-tiered food system.
June 6, 2023
Commentary | Story
Food prescriptions – a short-sighted response to food insecurity
Providers of food prescriptions in Canada have acknowledged that they are “at best, stopgap measures” & “not a solution to food insecurity”. Canada already has a long history of stopgap measures in food charity. Can we afford to entrench another?
May 25, 2023
Commentary | Story
The 2023 Federal Budget has the right idea, but much more is needed to address food insecurity
Food insecurity is a problem of income inadequacy. The 2023 federal budget’s “grocery rebate” has the right idea, but falls short.
March 29, 2023
Reconsidering Food Prescription Programs in Relation to Household Food Insecurity
In their commentary in The Journal of Nutrition, founding PROOF investigators raised important questions about food prescription programs and their relationship with food insecurity.
February 6, 2023
Commentary | Research
Moment of reckoning for household food insecurity monitoring in Canada
In our new commentary, we discuss the future of monitoring household food insecurity in Canada now that it is regularly measured on two Statistics Canada surveys.
October 13, 2022
Commentary | Research | Resource | Story
New report finds persistently high rates of food insecurity, policy action on inadequate income needed
We recently released our latest report on household food insecurity in Canada. In 2021, 15.9% of households in the ten provinces were food-insecure. Learn more about it here.
August 16, 2022