PROOF Administrator
Research | Story
Geographic & socio-demographic predictors of household food insecurity in Canada
The study is one of the most comprehensive to elucidate the socio-demographics of food insecurity in Canada, and it shows wide disparities in risk by province and territory, age and Indigeneity, among other factors.
January 3, 2019
The application of ‘valence’ to the idea of household food insecurity in Canada
We compiled four datasets in which household food insecurity was discussed, representing different kinds of political forums for debate.
November 13, 2018
Tacking household food insecurity: An essential goal of a national food policy
We explore the social epidemiology and health impacts of household food insecurity in Canada, the evidence base for policy intervention, and the role of a national food policy.
October 3, 2018
Announcement | Story
Food insecurity featured in Canada’s first Poverty Reduction Strategy
Household food insecurity will be included as one of the indicators on the the federal Poverty Reduction Strategy’s online dashboard.
August 22, 2018
Research | Resource
Research snapshot – Food insecurity and use of mental health services
The Evidence Exchange Network has produced a new research resource on our study of food insecurity and mental health service utilization in Ontario.
August 16, 2018
Basic income: A no-brainer in economic hard times
New op-ed from PROOF’s Dr. Catherine Mah discusses the cancellation of Ontario’s basic income pilot and the potential of a basic income to reduce food insecurity.
August 3, 2018
Commentary | Research
New commentary in Public Health Agency of Canada journal
PROOF researchers review the existing state of household food insecurity measurement in Canada and propose changes to close critical gaps in the monitoring.
May 23, 2018
Commentary | Story
Food waste and food insecurity in Canada
PROOF researchers discuss why diverting food waste to charitable food programs will not address food insecurity in Canada.
October 23, 2017
2 New PROOF Publications Examining Housing and Food Insecurity in Latest Volume of Canadian Journal of Public Health
2 new studies found that the 2008 recession increased renter’s vulnerability to food insecurity and that half of renters households in subsidized housing were food insecure.
June 21, 2017
The household food insecurity gradient and potential reductions in adverse population mental health outcomes in Canadian adults
Findings showed a food insecurity gradient across each of the adverse mental health outcomes – the odds of reporting an outcome increased with the severity of food insecurity.
June 12, 2017