PROOF Administrator

  • Research

    Food Insecurity Is Associated With Higher Health Care Use And Costs Among Canadian Adults

    This new study demonstrates that more severely food insecure adults have greater odds of acute care admission and having same-day surgery.

    August 7, 2020

  • Commentary | Story

    Food banks can’t adequately address COVID-19 food insecurity

    A basic income, not expanded food charity, is critical as the pandemic plunges more Canadians into deprivation.

    May 2, 2020

  • Commentary | Resource | Story

    More Canadians are food insecure than ever before – and the problem is only getting worse

    PROOF provides a long-awaited look into food insecurity in this country. Drawing on the 2017-18 CCHS, we found that 1 in 8 households were food insecure.

    March 11, 2020

  • Research

    Homeownership status and risk of food insecurity: examining the role of housing debt, housing expenditure and housing asset using a cross-sectional population-based survey of Canadian households

    This study aimed to examine the influence of housing asset, debt and expenditure on the relationship between homeownership and food insecurity in Canada.

    February 3, 2020

  • Research

    Association between household food insecurity and mortality in Canada: a population-based retrospective cohort study

    Research drawing on a population-based sample of Canadian adults showed that those living in food-insecure households were more likely to die prematurely.

    February 3, 2020

  • Research | Story

    Money speaks: Reductions in severe food insecurity follow the Canada Child Benefit

    The rate of severe food insecurity dropped by one-third among low-income families after the introduction of the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) in 2016.

    November 8, 2019

  • Research

    Prescription medication nonadherence associated with food insecurity: a population-based cross-sectional study

    The more severe their household food insecurity is, the greater the probability that adults will fail to take medications as prescribed because of the cost.

    September 25, 2019

  • Research

    Household Food Insecurity in Ontario during a Period of Poverty Reduction, 2005–2014

    We assessed changes in household food insecurity in Ontario after the introduction of the Ontario Child Benefit and the poverty reduction strategy.

    February 22, 2019

  • Research

    The Relationship Between Food Banks and Food Insecurity: Insights from Canada

    Our new study assessed the relationship between food bank use and household food insecurity and examined the interrelation with food-insecure households’ use of other resource augmentation strategies.

    January 31, 2019

  • Research

    Household food insecurity narrows the sex gap in five adverse mental health outcomes among Canadian adults

    Although the sex gap was observed among food secure men versus women, males and females reporting any level of food insecurity were equally likely to report adverse mental health outcomes.

    January 24, 2019