PROOF Administrator

  • Commentary | Story

    What does record inflation mean for household food insecurity in Canada?

    If nothing is done to increase the incomes of vulnerable households in line with inflation, we can expect to see food insecurity worsen.

    March 16, 2022

  • Announcement

    Upcoming Canadian Nutrition Society webinar series

    Please join us for a 2-part webinar series on household food insecurity in Canada, hosted by the Canadian Nutrition Society on February 10th and 17th.

    February 5, 2022

  • Story

    New food insecurity data for 2018/2019 from Statistics Canada

    Statistics Canada’s new report marks the release of new data on food insecurity — the first from Canadian Income Survey (CIS).

    January 7, 2022

  • Commentary

    A decade of proof on how to tackle food insecurity in Canada

    Read our new op-ed in The Hill Times on what our decade of research on food insecurity tells us about the solutions needed to address this problem.

    December 28, 2021

  • Commentary | Story

    A look back at 10 years of PROOF

    PROOF started in 2011 through a CIHR Programmatic Grant to identify viable and effective policy interventions to reduce household food insecurity in Canada.

    December 15, 2021

  • Research | Story

    Research highlights worsened food insecurity in Newfoundland and Labrador

    Our new study comparing food insecurity in Newfoundland and Labrador between 2011-2012 and 2017-2018 found that food insecurity had gotten worse.

    December 10, 2021

  • Commentary

    Food drives are not the answer to poverty and hunger

    PROOF principal investigator, Dr. Valerie Tarasuk, recently co-authored a Toronto Star op-ed with Dr. Elaine Power and Paul Taylor of FoodShare Toronto.

    December 6, 2021

  • Commentary | Research | Story

    When it comes to tackling food insecurity, tackling anti-Black racism is an important part of the puzzle

    We’ve known for a while that Black households in Canada are more likely to be food insecure, but little has been done to better understand this disparity.

    October 26, 2021

  • Resource | Story

    Healthy Cities in the SDG Era Podcast: Zero Hunger

    Dr. Valerie Tarasuk, spoke with host Dr. Erica Di Ruggiero about food insecurity in Canada in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

    September 8, 2021

  • Resource

    PROOF discusses food insecurity in Canada on Rights Not Charity Podcast

    Dr. Valerie Tarasuk, recently discussed food insecurity in Canada with the Global Solidarity Alliance for Food, Health and Social Justice.

    August 26, 2021