PROOF Administrator

  • Research

    Women respondents report higher household food insecurity than do men in similar Canadian households

    The authors investigated factors accounting for the consistently higher levels of household food insecurity reported by women in Canada.

    May 16, 2013

  • Research

    Two new publications examining responses to food insecurity from a study of low-income families in Toronto

    Check out these 2 studies on food banks, community gardens, community kitchens, Good Food Box Program, and their relationship with household food insecurity.

    April 8, 2013

  • Research

    Coping With Child Hunger in Canada: Have Household Strategies Changed Over a Decade?

    This study found that community outreach programs between 1997 and 2007 had little impact on coping strategies utilized by households facing child hunger.

    January 9, 2013

  • Research

    Depression and suicide ideation in late adolescence and early adulthood are an outcome of child hunger

    This study found that experiences of child hunger left a long-lasting impact on children’s health, manifesting as depression and suicidal thoughts later in life.

    January 8, 2013

  • Research

    Evidence of the association between household food insecurity and heating cost inflation in Canada from 1998–2001

    New research on the relationship between household food insecurity and heating cost inflation in Canada from 1998–2001

    August 17, 2012