New CRDCN research-policy snapshots on household food insecurity

February 8, 2023

CRDCN Research-Policy Snapshots

PROOF is excited to share 2 new research-policy snapshots as part of the Canadian Research Data Centre Network’s (CRDCN) ongoing series that showcases research using Statistics Canada microdata accessible through Research Data Centres. These summaries highlight key findings and their implications for policy making.

Food-insecure Canadians are more likely to visit emergency departments due to pain (PDF )

Based on: Men, F., Urquia, M. L., & Tarasuk, V. (2022). Pain-driven emergency department visits and food insecurity: a cross-sectional study linking Canadian survey and health administrative data. CMAJ Open, 10(1), E8-E18.

How household food insecurity is classified matters for monitoring and research (PDF )

Based on: Men, F., & Tarasuk, V. (2022). Classification Differences in Food Insecurity Measures between the United States and Canada: Practical Implications for Trend Monitoring and Health Research. The Journal of Nutrition, 152(4),

See the rest of our contributions to this series.