
  • Commentary | Research | Story

    When it comes to tackling food insecurity, tackling anti-Black racism is an important part of the puzzle

    We’ve known for a while that Black households in Canada are more likely to be food insecure, but little has been done to better understand this disparity.

    October 26, 2021

  • Resource | Story

    Healthy Cities in the SDG Era Podcast: Zero Hunger

    Dr. Valerie Tarasuk, spoke with host Dr. Erica Di Ruggiero about food insecurity in Canada in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

    September 8, 2021

  • Research | Story

    Food insecurity amid the COVID-19 pandemic: food charity, government assistance and employment

    Our new study looks food insecurity in the early days of the pandemic as it relates to employment and the new federal funding for food charity.

    May 7, 2021

  • Commentary | Story

    Prince Edward Island: The first jurisdiction to set explicit targets for reducing food insecurity

    Earlier this month, MLAs in PEI unanimously passed the first bill in Canada that sets explicit and binding targets for food insecurity reduction.

    April 21, 2021

  • Commentary | Story

    Food banks can’t adequately address COVID-19 food insecurity

    A basic income, not expanded food charity, is critical as the pandemic plunges more Canadians into deprivation.

    May 2, 2020

  • Commentary | Resource | Story

    More Canadians are food insecure than ever before – and the problem is only getting worse

    PROOF provides a long-awaited look into food insecurity in this country. Drawing on the 2017-18 CCHS, we found that 1 in 8 households were food insecure.

    March 11, 2020

  • Research | Story

    Money speaks: Reductions in severe food insecurity follow the Canada Child Benefit

    The rate of severe food insecurity dropped by one-third among low-income families after the introduction of the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) in 2016.

    November 8, 2019

  • Research | Story

    Geographic & socio-demographic predictors of household food insecurity in Canada

    The study is one of the most comprehensive to elucidate the socio-demographics of food insecurity in Canada, and it shows wide disparities in risk by province and territory, age and Indigeneity, among other factors.

    January 3, 2019

  • Announcement | Story

    Food insecurity featured in Canada’s first Poverty Reduction Strategy

    Household food insecurity will be included as one of the indicators on the the federal Poverty Reduction Strategy’s online dashboard.

    August 22, 2018

  • Commentary | Story

    Food waste and food insecurity in Canada

    PROOF researchers discuss why diverting food waste to charitable food programs will not address food insecurity in Canada.

    October 23, 2017