How does food insecurity relate to health and what are the implications for health care providers?

May 30, 2017

How does food insecurity relate to health and what are the implications for health care providers?

This webinar is part 3 of a 3-part series in collaboration with Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada (CDPAC). It discusses the relationships between food insecurity, health, and health care, and what they mean for health care providers.


In this webinar, we examine evidence of the impact of food insecurity on individuals’ mental and physical health and the financial burden food insecurity poses for our healthcare system. Although food insecurity is associated with dietary compromise, its effects on health extend beyond those associated with poor nutrition.

We discuss the complex relationship between food insecurity and health, considering the evidence of a bidirectional relationship for some conditions and disentangling the relation between food insecurity and malnutrition. Finally, we examine the implications of this body of research for practice, particularly considering the challenges that arise in providing care to patients who are experiencing food insecurity.

This webinar is part 3 of a 3-part series in collaboration with Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada (CDPAC). See part 1, Food Insecurity Measurement in Canada: Interpreting the Statistics, and part 2, Who is vulnerable to household food insecurity and what does this mean for policy and practice?

Valerie Tarasuk, PhD — Professor, University of Toronto
Lynn McIntyre, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, FCAHS — Professor Emerita, University of Calgary
Carlota Basualdo-Hammond, MSc, MPH, RD — Executive Director, Nutrition Services, Alberta Health Services

Webinar Slides [PDF]

Research publications mentioned:
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